This year it is time to let the youngsters come and join us for some programming on our Sunday afternoon Jfokus Kidz event. By bringing the world of programming to kids we encourage them to become active producers of the new technology instead of just passive consumers.
Children from the age of 10 - 15 are welcome to come and learn about programming and experiment with building robots with simple tools and technology. No previous experience is required. Both girls and boys are welcome and we hope it will be a great experience for them.
We have room for 40 girls and 40 boys, and they should bring their own computer.
When you register select your session from this list
Lego Mindstorms - nybörjare
Med hjälp av enkel blockprogrammering får du lego-roboten att göra precis som du vill. I grupp tillsammans med andra förbättrar du robotens olika funktioner och styr den med hjälp av linjer, färger och sensorer. Om du hinner så kanske du kan få roboten att köra efter en bana. Inga förkunskaper behövs.
George, Clojure och Skölpaddan Tom - nybörjare
Med sköldpaddan Tom och programspråket Clojure får du vara kreativ med hjälp av programmeringsplattformen George. Inga förkunskaper behövs.
Scratch - Hans-O med pilbågen - fortsättning
Du som har använt Scratch tidigare får här skapa ett spel där du styr Hans-O med sin pillåge. Mulle-vadarna anfaller och det är ditt jobb att se till att ingen når fram. Vi lär oss om animation, slumptal, kloner och variabler.
Sonic Pi - nybörjare / fortsättning (English)
Do you like music? Do you find yourself humming tunes that you have made up? Combine creating your own music with learning how to program! We will be using a program called Sonic Pi to program our own music and learn how to program all at the same time! By the end of this workshop you willl be able to create your own songs and have a lot of fun!
Taking control of the NAO Robot (English)
NAO is a 58 cm tall humanoid robot, fully programmable, that has been created by french company Aldebaran Robotics. More than 10,000 copies are already in use worldwide, in laboratories, universities and high schools. In this session, we'll introduce you to the robot and show kids how to create an application from scratch using our native software Choregraphe, its visual interface and its drag-and-drop system.