The Curious Clojureist
Neal Ford, ThoughtWorks, Inc-Why should you learn Clojure now? It's the coolest new language on the JVM -What makes it so cool? It's a dynamically typed, functional Lisp that offers sophisticated capabilities like software transactional memory -Why should I learn it? Lisp is the most powerful style of programming language possible (don't believe me? Come see - I'll show you), so you get the best language (Lisp) on the best runtime (JVM) -Isn't Lisp the one with all the parenthesis? Yes. -What's so compelling about Clojure? It's fast, expressive, powerful, and allows you to do all sorts of things that other languages won't let you do. It's an elegant language. -Why is the entire talk done as question and answer? It's an homage to a series of books, The Little Lisper and The Little Schemer. Because Lisp's are simple and homoiconic, this style works nicely for them. Besides, it's better than 1000 bullets, isn't it?

A JVM Does What?
Cliff Click, Azul SystemsJust what the heck is a JVM *supposed* to do? JVMs already provide a host of services. The 'J' part definitely slants the service selection and the 'V' part means that underneath the illusion there's a lot of really cruddy stuff. The success of these illusions has led to the real popularity of JVMs. In particular, JVMs are probably the most popular way to distribute ready-to-use GC technology to the masses, and the 2nd most popular way to distribute ready-to-use compilation technology (just behind "gcc" I'm guessing)

Comparing JVM Web Frameworks
Matt Raible, Raible DesignsThis session takes a look at the top web frameworks for the JVM and discusses various methodologies for choosing one. It describes two different techniques (a matrix and performance testing) and pros and cons of the top frameworks from each.
Jfokus 2012
När: 13-15 februari 2012
Språk: Engelska & Svenska
Plats: Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre