Expert Led Training Courses
Get taught directly by the experts and interact with peers in an engaging informal environment. These are intensive, deep dive training sessions designed for advanced IT professionals which incorporate expert-led presentations.
Become Proficient in Java Performance Tuning (4 days)
In this new expert-led course, you will learn a blend of tuning methodology, performance theory and practical tips on solving difficult performance problems. The tools learned are all freely available or open source and will equip you to immediately apply what you have learned in your workplace. No more suffering through slow, under performing applications. You will learn how to develop code with performance as the goal and the end user in mind.

Kirk Pepperdine, Kodewerk
Led by Kirk Pepperdine - a recognized expert in Java Performance Tuning, Java Champion, international speaker and trainer, and co-contributor to the successful Java Performance Tuning Newsletter - you'll learn in four days what would otherwise take years of self-study. Kirk has fixed numerous critical performance issues and has saved millions in lost revenue and downtime for his clients. Full of insight and packed with experience, this course can help you do the same.
Become Proficient in Java Performance Tuning (4 days)
This comprehensive four day workshop will provide you with techniques that have been proven to improve your ability to find and fix performance bottlenecks. What you won't find are tips and tricks that will be obsoleted with the next release of Java. Instead the course focuses on a methodology that has evolved from years of experience solving performance problems found in a variety of languages running on number of different execution platforms. During the course of the seminar we will look at how Java works, tooling to expose performance bottlenecks and a methodology that helps you to decide on which tools should be used. The workshop contains more than a dozen exercises each taken from real world problems and each designed to challenge your thinking. During the four days you'll learn how to:
- Quickly identify the root causes of poor performance in your applications
- Eliminate conditions that will prevent you from finding performance bottlenecks
- Find critical supportive evidence
before deciding on a potentially expensive course of action - Find performance issues
before they make their escape into your production system
The course will cover:
Day 1 - Performance Testing |
Day 2 - All about the JVM |
Day 3 - Profiling |
Day 4 - Putting it all together |
Become Proficient in Java Performance Tuning
När: 27/5-30/5 2013
Språk: Engelska
Format: Ta med din egen bärbara dator.
Pris: 25 500 SEK
Alla priser exkl. moms inkl. lunch
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What have other said:
"This is the course that you will have wished you had attended when your boss is breathing down your neck asking why the application is slow."
- Dr. Heinz Kabutz, the Java Specialist
"There are times when a new piece of information initiates a sea-change in your thinking and the KodeWerk course has for me been one of these events. Forget everything you thought you knew about writing performant code."
- Alain Moran, COO and co-founder Adaptavist
"The best course I ever attended: High knowledge of the trainer. Very helpful information, which could be used in real life. Exercises allowing to see the real life problems and the way how the problems should be solved - step by step. Introduction to open source / free tools which allow to monitor and diagnose quickly performance problems of the application."
- Rafal Zablocki, ING Nationale-Nederlanden
"Well balanced mix of theory, practice and real-life stories. Kirk explained the methodology of performance tuning process with hands-on exercises and didn?t try to sell any products; it was probably the most useful professional training course I have ever attended."
- Vladimir Shor, WebMedia