Jfokus 2010
Portrait of a Developer as a Kid in a Candy store
Patrick Chanezon, GoogleThere has never been a better time to be a developer! This presentation will give you an overview of Google developer tools and open standards that help developers create these applications: Browsers (html5, w3c geo, svg), Mobile (android), Cloud (appengine), Social (Opensocial), Geo (Google Maps).
NoSQL, One size fits all: A concept whose time has come and gone
Nati Shalom, GigaSpacesMajor Internet companies, including Google, Amazon and Facebook, are taking an alternative approach to the traditional SQL database. The primary reason is that the existing SQL database doesn?t fit their scalability requirements. Does this mark the end of the relational database era?
How to save 3-7 weeks a year
Jevgeni Kabanov, ZeroTurnaroundThis summer, over 1100 developers reported that they waste an average of one month per year waiting for builds and redeploys. In 10 minutes, we'll show you how to get that time back, without the need to re-engineer your applications or change the way your team works
Prestanda, skalbarhet och tillgänglighet för stora system
Torbjörn Stavenek, bwin GamesInternetpoker är en av de mest avancerade realtidsapplikationerna du kan tillhandahålla över nätet. Du behöver inte bara bygga ett tillräckligt snabbt system, det måste vara tillräckligt snabbt oavsett antalet användare och dessutom tillgängligt utan avbrott. bwin har nyligen releasat en ny generation av sitt pokersystem som lägger ribban högt med avseende på icke-funktionella krav. När du bygger en tjänst som används av 10 miljoner användare och 45 000 samtidiga spelare så måste du ha tänkt igenom din arkitektur
Deep dive on the Java EE 6
Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine, SUN MicrosystemsJ2EE was reliable and scalable but somewhat verbose and sometimes inflexible. Java EE 5 adopted new principles (POJOs, annotations, default behavior) to ease the development paradigm and was certainly the biggest release ever. Java EE 6 also has a lot in store for server-side development - some more ease of development, a web profile, unified injection, lighter-weight components, RESTful integration, and major enhancements to the EJB, JPA and JSF specifications. This presentation will offer an overview of Java EE 6, new EJBs, simplified packaging, improved persistence layer, new API for RESTful services, a validation framework, a radical simplification of the web layer and ... many other improvements.
Why Your Agile Roll-Out is Failing
Dan North, DWR TradingYou read the books. You went to the talks. You even paid for the 3 day course. Then you rolled out Agile across the organization. What could possibly go wrong? Why, after 18 months, are you not seeing the better-faster-cheaper results they guaranteed you? And where can you get your money back? Rather than paying for yet another Agile consultant to come in and tell you how you're doing it all wrong, come along to Dan's talk about the most common failure modes he encounters in Agile adoption.
Introduktion till Clojure för Javautvecklare
Patrik Fredriksson, CiterusClojure är ett generellt, funktionellt, dynamiskt, starkt typat programmeringsspråk som körs på JVM:en. Clojure är en modern Lisp-dialekt som genom sin nära integration med Java redan från start har tillgång till ett mycket omfattande utbud av API:er och tredjepartsbibliotek. I denna intensiva femtonminutersintroduktion till Clojure för Javautvecklare kommer vi att få lära känna språket lite närmare. Du som lyssnar på denna presentation kommer att få med dig en översiktlig förståelse för Clojure som språk och det du behöver för att på egen hand börja utforska språket.
Scaling Real-World Large Financial Systems, from iPhone to Cloud
John Davies, Incept5John Davies will take a short but technical deep dive into the world of FX, equity and derivative trading. With demands for extremely low latency, massive volumes, absolute transactional integrity and a daily turnover in the billions, the trading community has been at the forefront of technology for decades. John will talk through the technologies, practical problems and technical solutions in this industry. From low-latency algorithmic trading to back-testing from over a peta-byte of data to mobile device integration. He will explain how to move the grid into the Amazon cloud and how many clients are using Amazon's EC2, EBS and S3 for delivery onto iPhones and Android.
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Adam Skogman, JaywayCloud Computing sounds fluffy, so what are the real-life benefits? And how can I start using the Cloud today, in my own projects? The first step: Getting more power at a low low cost How can we use the cloud today, by moving parts of our application or environment to the cloud? We'll share our hand-on experiences with developing using the cloud for everything from testing to deployment. The next step: Scaling out in the cloud The cloud brings new issues and concerns. How do you best store data if it's stored in distributed data centers? How can you ensure data consistency when ACID-style transactions are your biggest bottleneck? How will it affect your architecture that servers are added at any time?
The Benefits of Graph Databases
Emil Eifrem, Neo TechnologyMost applications today handle data that is deeply associative, i.e. structured as graphs (networks). The most obvious example of this is social networking sites, but even tagging systems, content management systems and wikis deal with inherently hierarchical or graph-shaped data. This turns out to be a problem because it?s difficult to deal with recursive data structures in traditional relational databases. In essence, each traversal along a link in a graph is a join, and joins are known to be very expensive. Furthermore, with user-driven content, it is difficult to pre-conceive the exact schema of the data that will be handled. Unfortunately, the relational model requires upfront schemas and makes it difficult to fit this more dynamic and ad-hoc data. A graph database uses nodes, relationships between nodes and key-value properties instead of tables to represent information. This model is typically substantially faster for associative data sets and uses a schema-less, bottoms-up model that is ideal for capturing ad-hoc and rapidly changing data. This session will introduce an open source, high-performance, transactional and disk-based graph database called ?Neo4j? (http://neo4j.org), which frequently outperforms relational backends with >1000x for many increasingly important use cases.
Jfokus 2013
När: 4-6 februari 2013
Språk: Engelska & Svenska
Plats: Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre