Get taught directly by the experts and interact with peers in an engaging informal environment. These are intensive, deep dive training sessions designed for advanced IT professionals which incorporate expert-led presentations.
Android Development
Learn in 2 days all important concepts and techniques to develop Android apps. Lars Vogel is an experienced Android trainer and publishes popular Android tutorials on
Lars Vogel
Lars Vogel maintains the website with many Android and Eclipse related tutorials and with more then 40 000 daily visitors. He works as an independent Android and Eclipse consultant and trainer.
He is a regular speaker at international conferences, as for example EclipseCon, Devoxx, Droidcon and O'Reilly's Android Open. Lars received in 2010 the "Eclipse Top Contributor Award
Android Development - 2 days workshop
Learn in 2 days all important concepts and techniques to develop Android apps. Lars Vogel is an experienced Android trainer and publishes popular Android tutorials on
Agenda Day 1
Architecture of Android
- Concept
- Devices, Emulator and Images
- Installation and usage of ADT
- Android Manifest
- Resources
Intents and Activity Communication
- Intents
- Activities / ActivityStack
- Views / Layouts
- Interaction with Buttons & Co
- ListView
- Concept
- Adapter
- ListActivity
File based Persistence
- Preferences
- Files, Access restrictions
- Androids Security Concept
- Permissions / Uses Permissings
- Apache HTTP Client
- Multitasking and Network Access with AsyncTask
- Handler
Agenda Day 2
SQLite & ContentProvider
- Datenbank (SQLite)
- ContentProvider
Services, Receivers and Notifications
- Services
- Registration of a broadcast receiver
- Using Notifications
- Using Services
Screensizes and Canvas
- Screen sizes and densities
- Own Views with Canvas
Location Based Service Applikationen
- Location based Services
- Integration of Google Maps
- Karten-Overlays
- Geocoding / Reverse Geocoding
- Usage of GPS, Wifi, ...
Homescreen Widgets
- UI Restrictions, RemoteViews
- Widgets
- Refresh
Fortgeschrittene Themen
- Push Notification
- Server Storage
- Deployment
- Markets
- Version Management
Android Development
När: 16-17 februari 2012
Var: Stockholm
Språk: Engelska
Format: Ta med din egen dator.
Pris: 12 500 SEK
Alla priser exkl. moms inkl. lunch
Is this course for you?
This course if for you if you want to get a broad hands-on introduction into mobile development with Android. You can be a developer or technical architect. There will be a lot of exercises and you will create several example application.
You should have a good understanding of Java development and you should be familiar with using the Eclipse IDE.
Also this training requires a modern laptop with at least 2 GB RAM and installed Java6 and Eclipse 3.7